Create great search engine optimised content for your website that gets the clicks it deserves! Ranking high on search engines can lead to so much more than just higher traffic. It also means growing a loyal audience, attracting new clients and generating more sales.

Whether you are a blogger or the founder of an e-commerce business, SEO can make the world of difference to your website traffic. This course is perfect for both beginners, as well as anyone looking to up their SEO game. It follows a step-by-step process to achieving high ranking content, and covers everything you need to know such as:

✅ what defines a high quality website

✅ why it's critical to define your niche and establish content pillars

✅ what every website should have

✅ the tools that are essential

✅ how to find the perfect keyword

✅ the different types of keywords

✅ where to source content ideas

✅ where to use your range of keywords across your website

✅ how to correctly populate meta data

✅ the importance of image SEO

✅ how to build domain authority

✅ the main ways to build back links

✅ the basics of technical SEO

✅ general housekeeping rules

Testimonial from Katie Lavieri

"This coaching session was the first time I got excited about SEO and wanted to learn more. Sarah explains how it works so beautifully and in a way that is easy to follow - no small feat considering how complex the topic can be.

Within a month of implementing the tips, my Google traffic had tripled, and my bounce rate dropped by 15%. I recommend this to anyone with a website - it's too valuable to miss!"

Check out Katie's blog: Styled Wanderlust


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Meet the Creator

Hi! My name is Sarah Borg Barthet, founder and editor of luxury lifestyle blog, Dukes Avenue. Over the last three years, I've made a lot of mistakes when it comes to running an online business. The biggest mistake of all was not learning SEO soon enough!

After investing in multiple SEO courses and through lots of trial and error on my own site, I've finally cracked the secret to high-ranking articles - and despite what many believe, it's not as hard as you may think!

This course will teach you all of these secrets so that your articles can rank high too, without waiting 6 months+ to see results. Apply these techniques and watch your traffic begin to soar!

Testimonial from Teresa Ann Moon

"Sarah's knowledge of SEO is remarkable! SEO can be a very meticulous, overwhelming task, and Sarah manages to break it down to a simple, easy-to-understand process. She explains each step thoroughly, so you not only know how to do it, but you also understand why it's important. 

My personal experience with Sarah's SEO techniques have taken me from zero blog posts ranking on Google, to over 10 posts ranking in about 6 months time. Not only new blog posts are, but some of my old ones are too after I spent the time re-optimizing them using Sarah's techniques."  

Check out Teresa's blog: Teresa Ann Moon


Is This Course Right For Me?

With so many SEO courses on the market, it's hard to know which one is right for you! And I get it ... I was in exactly the same boat and found myself investing in multiple SEO courses and sources to find all the info I needed. My goal for SEO Secrets for WordPress Users was to combine all of my own personal learning and create a one-stop shop with proven techniques that actually drive results!

This course is perfect for you if you can relate to any of the points below:

✅ You run a WordPress site either as a blogger or e-commerce business and want to increase organic traffic

✅ You have a WordPress website for your services business and post frequent articles BUT - they don't yet rank for relevant keywords and therefore do not attract new clients

✅ You want to learn SEO for WordPress but feel overwhelmed with all the free (and sometimes conflicting) information available online

You bought other SEO courses in the past but found them too confusing or overly technical. Or worse yet, they didn't generate the results you wanted

✅ You're pressed for time and just want a comprehensive course that will get the job done

If you're thinking 'YES, this is me!' to any one of these points, make sure to check out our testimonials to find out what our students and clients are saying!

BUT... This Course is Not For Everyone

This course is great for anyone running a WordPress website that want to do things the right way, and that means it's not for everyone. SEO Secrets for WordPress Users is not for you if:

Your website is built solely on an alternative web builder / CMS such as Wix, SquareSpace, Weebly, etc.

You are looking for an easy way out that doesn't require much work or effort

You want to learn Black Hat SEO techniques

You want to learn advanced Technical SEO

You expect results overnight

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: What Makes a Great Website
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: The Tools You'll Need
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - Keyword Research
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - On-Page SEO / Article Writing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - Off-Page SEO / Link-Building
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - Technical SEO
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7 - General Housekeeping
Available in days
days after you enroll
  That's a Wrap!
Available in days
days after you enroll

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